Conditions & Solutions
Acupuncture & Asian Bodywork ~ A Healing & Preventative Treatment
The human body has wonderful potential for healing itself. Chinese Medicine offers holistic solutions to support health and healing of person in their globality. At Solhene, we work together to assist your natural ability to heal. We’ll talk about stress levels, sleep, diet/nutrition, drinking habits, water intake, caffeine intake, activity, etc. and make suggestions for changes you can incorporate in your everyday life, including breathing exercises, Qigong, tools for managing stress, and more!
If something is acute or chronic, you will likely want treatment on a regular basis or more up front and then maintenance after your system begins to feel better. Chinese Medicine is often considered a preventative medicine form, as it is supportive to help you stay healthy and not get sick in the first place. It will help boost the immune and nervous systems to keep you balanced so you can stay functioning at optimal levels of peak performance.
Common Concerns Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Can Address
Mood Swings
Chemo Side Effects – Nausea, Fatigue, Digestion
Respiratory Issues – COPD, Asthma, Allergies, Sinus Congestion
Digestion/GI Issues – Ulcers, Heartburn, Diverticulitis, Chron’s Disease, Reflux, IBS, Constipation
Body Aches – Back Pain, Neck Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Knee Pain, Carpal Tunnels, Bursitis, Stress/Tension, Injury, Arthritis, Inflammation, Postural Issues, Lack of Exercise
Perimenopausal & Gyno Issues – Changes in Menses, Irregular Cycles, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Insomnia, Irritability, Cramping, Painful Periods
Come to sanctuary at Solhene for this much-needed self-care for the body and the mind. This is a safe space where you can leave your worries at the door and let go for a little respite of restoration. Once you are “reset”, you can go back out into world where you can do what you do best!